Driverless Cars

Chinese 'Robotaxis' Take Riders For A Spin

Chinese entrants in the race to put autonomous vehicles on the road are bringing "robotaxis" online in hopes that a hired-car format can be the key to unlocking wide acceptance of the futuristic technology.It is expected to be years before cars that operate completely without human intervention are unleashed owing to lingering technological, regulatory, and safety hurdles.But as China challenges United States (US) tech dominance, Chinese players such as Baidu, Alibaba-backed AutoX a

10 August 2020

Will driverless cars be common in Southeast Asia?

Autonomous cars have been all the rage in recent years.Car manufacturers like Audi have made developments in autonomous cars a big part of their marketing push. It’s not hard to see why, considering how drastically the technology could affect one the world’s most fundamental experiences: driving. Since Henry Ford first made driving affordable in 1908, a key part of the driving experience has been the requirement for a human driver.

26 November 2017