Fourth Industrial Revolution

WEF on ASEAN 2018 daily recap

Yesterday saw the start of the World Economic Forum (WEF) on ASEAN in Hanoi with the theme “ASEAN 4.0: Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.The forum will witness over 900 political leaders, business leaders and members of civil society converging to discuss the biggest issues facing the region.

12 September 2018

Can ASEAN turn disruption into opportunity?

Is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) resilient enough to thrive amid the regional and global transformations taking place today? While the global economy continues its broad-based expansion, disruptive economic, geostrategic, and technological forces may threaten ASEAN’s gains of recent years. To survive, ASEAN members must make important decisions about the role of their community in regional affairs.

6 September 2018

How technology is enabling SMEs

From 2007 to 2014, trade by ASEAN nations grew by a value of nearly US$1 trillion to a total of US$2.5 trillion. A quarter (24 percent) of ASEAN’s total trade was within the region, followed by trade with China (14 percent), Europe (10 percent), Japan (nine percent) and the United States (US) (eight percent).

5 September 2018

Mobile wallets in Southeast Asia

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has seen many sweeping changes in the way we interact with one another. This interaction is not limited to human-to-human relationships but is extended to the way we deal with finances; with the idea of digitalising purchases and transactions now a reality. Mobile wallets are part of this reality, with users able to carry out purchases through cashless means, and as the term suggests, with the use of a smartphone.

23 May 2018

Is the ASEAN workforce ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?

With the Fourth Industrial Revolution now a common reality, there is no denying that technology has wrapped its invisible fingers around the lives of people across the globe. By 2020, this revolution will have brought us advanced robotics and self-driving transport, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning, besides modern materials, biotechnology, and genomics. Against this backdrop, employability in a modern world becomes more difficult as new skills need to be adopted.

28 April 2018

How technology can change ASEAN’s retail sector

The retail sector accounts for the largest source of employment in the Southeast Asian region. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), it employs an aggregate of 44.6 million workers, which represents 16 percent of the region’s total employment.

28 January 2018

ASEAN Roundup: November 13 - November 19, 2017

Much ado about the 31st ASEAN SummitThe highlight for this week was the conclusion of the 31st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and Related Meetings which began last week.

19 November 2017

Southeast Asia and the Fourth industrial revolution

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, explained that the Fourth industrial revolution builds on the Third industrial revolution which was largely based on the use of electronics and information technology to automate production.Schwab writes that the Fourth industrial revolution “is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”According to the World Economic Forum and Asian Devel

16 November 2017

Enhancing economic prosperity in the Asia Pacific region

Da Nang, Vietnam will play host to the 2017 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Week from November 6-10.APEC is the leading economic forum in the Asia Pacific region with a focus on supporting sustainable economic growth and prosperity of economies within the region. To date, it is the only such intergovernmental grouping in the world with a commitment to reduce trade and investment barriers without requiring its members to enter legally binding obligations.

6 November 2017

Inside FinTech Conference and Expo 2017

As the world grows smaller and connected, many organisations and individuals become highly depended on technology-based interfaces for various financial services including banking, payments, money transfers, fund-raising and asset management. The impact of technology on finance is changing the world as we speak and FinTech (financial technology) is at the forefront of the next global revolution - leading to greater overall efficiency and productivity.

30 August 2017