Information Technology

Can Lao Move To A Digital Economy?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a train that you either get on or you’ll find yourself being left far, far behind. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is aware of this. We’ve seen countries like Indonesia and Thailand take lessons from Germany’s model of a 4.0 economy.

15 November 2020

Is it too late for Lao?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a train that you either get on or you’ll find yourself being left far, far behind. ASEAN is aware of this. We’ve seen countries like Indonesia and Thailand take lessons from Germany’s model of a 4.0 economy. We’ve also seen countries like Malaysia invest large sums of money on the expansion of information technology (IT) infrastructure to provide an enabling environment for the growth of the digital economy.

23 April 2019

Advancing IT: Lessons from India

As the world continues to globalise at a rapid pace, the demand for better and more efficient technology will skyrocket. One of the players feeding that growing demand has been India.According to government statistics, the information technology (IT) sector accounts for 45 percent of India’s services exports and 9.3 percent of its nearly US$2.3 trillion gross domestic product (GDP).

12 December 2018

Data centres are booming in Southeast Asia

The data centre landscape in Southeast Asia is poised to expand, driven by new developments, innovation and rapid growth in the digital economies within the region. The demand for data centres in the region is expected to increase due to the increase in the use of mobile phones, internet access, smart cities, big data analytics and social media applications.

26 September 2017

The changing face of work in India

MUMBAI – A debate about job creation and employment is heating up in India, fuelled by data that seem to show the country is entering a period of jobless growth. Official statistics suggest that overall labour-force participation declined between 2011 and 2015, with fewer than two million new jobs created annually.If those numbers were the whole story, then India, a country where 16 million people reach working age every year, would be heading for economic trouble.

16 September 2017