Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

2021: The Year Climate Predictions Become Reality

On the heels of jaw-dropping heat and flooding across three continents, nearly 200 nations gather Monday to validate a critical United Nations (UN) climate science report 100 days ahead of a political summit charged with keeping Earth liveable.

25 July 2021

Crushing Climate Impacts To Hit Sooner Than Feared

Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisors obtained by AFP. Species extinction, more widespread disease, unliveable heat, ecosystem collapse, cities menaced by rising seas – these and other devastating climate impacts are accelerating and bound to become painfully obvious before a child born today turns 3

29 June 2021

Rising Sea Levels In Southeast Asia

A report by McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) evaluated economic projections against climate models and found a high magnitude of physical risks that 105 countries will experience in the next three decades. The study suggests that in order to address climate risks, both – adaptation measures and decarbonisation – is necessary.At least 20 million people have been forced from their homes due to extreme weather.

13 December 2020

Europe should lead on climate action

Since the massive mobilisation effort that preceded the 2009 Conference of the Parties (COP15) in Copenhagen, the world has begun translating words and intentions into real action on climate change. European leadership – from government, civil society, and business – has played a pivotal role in driving progress. Given how much remains to be done, such leadership must continue – and become stronger.The successes of the last decade should not be underestimated.

13 May 2019

An optimist’s guide to climate change

During a recent commute to work, as my car inched along in rush-hour traffic, I watched a heron stalk the banks of the Potomac River. The majestic bird was a timely reminder that nature and beauty can be found in the unlikeliest of circumstances. And yet, even for optimists like me, it is getting harder to be hopeful about the fate of our planet.Grim environmental news is nothing new, but 2018 brought a deluge of it.

10 January 2019