Maria Lourdes Sereno

Supreme Court chief in the Philippines ousted in landmark decision

The Supreme Court of the Philippines ruled on Friday to remove Maria Lourdes Sereno as Chief Justice. The historic ruling was made in a special en banc session which saw the high tribunal ultimately vote 8-6 against Sereno and declare void her appointment as the country’s Chief Justice.The ruling is immediately executory but Sereno is expected to file an appeal against the decision.

17 May 2018

Philippine lawmakers attack rights commission, chief justice

Philippine lawmakers have moved to cut the budget of the nation's human rights commission to 20 dollars and impeach the Supreme Court chief justice in what critics on Wednesday labelled part of a slide towards dictatorship under President Rodrigo Duterte.The twin votes in the House of Representatives added to a growing climate of fear that Duterte is determined to silence anyone critical of his war on drugs, which has claimed thousands of lives and led rights groups to warn of a crime ag

14 September 2017