Nuon Chea

Nuon Chea: Unrepentant revolutionary

Khmer Rouge "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, who died Sunday aged 93, was considered the chief ideologue of the murderous Cambodian regime and a key architect of its killing machine.Once leader Pol Pot's most trusted deputy, he was arrested in September 2007 on charges of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity that occurred during the brutal Khmer Rouge reign from 1975 to 1979.But the unrepentant revolutionary lived long enough to be one of only a handful of former lea

5 August 2019

Khmer Rouge Leaders Found Guilty

Two top leaders of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime were found guilty of genocide on Friday, in a landmark ruling almost 40 years after the fall of a brutal regime that presided over the deaths of a quarter of the population.The Khmer Rouge's former head of state Khieu Samphan, 87, and "Brother Number 2" Nuon Chea, 92, are the two most senior living members of the ultra-Maoist group that seized control of Cambodia from 1975-1979.The reign of terror led by "Brother Number

18 November 2018