
Amend Philippine Constitution Now, Later Or Never?

The Philippine 1987 Constitution thus far has many provisions with strong restrictions on the flow of foreign capital in some areas of economic activities and these include: (a) the first provision concerning the prohibition to foreigners to own land; (b) the exclusion of foreigners from the exploitation of the country’s natural resources; and (c) the limitation placed on foreign capital in the public utility sector. Under the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, these limitations a

10 January 2021

One America, Two Nations

As I write this, officials across the United States (US) in the 2020 US presidential election are faced with recounts and legal challenges. This is to be expected in a hotly contested election that generated a record turnout.While only citizens may vote for the US president, the outcome in the world’s most powerful country affects people everywhere. On the positive side, the US remains a robust democracy.

13 November 2020

Philippines goes to the polls

Filipinos headed to the polls on Monday in a vote that is expected to strengthen President Rodrigo Duterte's grip on power, opening the way for him to deliver on pledges to restore the death penalty and rewrite the constitution.More than 18,000 positions are at stake, including half of the seats in the upper house Senate, which has served as a bulwark against some of Duterte's most controversial policies.Duterte is known internationally for his foul-mouthed tirades, but remains huge

13 May 2019