
Osaka Struggles As Japan Hit By Fourth COVID Wave

Hospitals in Japan’s second-largest city of Osaka are buckling under a wave of coronavirus cases, running out of beds and ventilators as exhausted doctors warn of a “system collapse” and advise against going ahead with the Olympics this summer.The speed at which Osaka’s healthcare system has been overwhelmed underscores the challenges of hosting a key global sports event in two months’ time, particularly when only about half of Japan’s medical staff have completed inoculations. “Simp

25 May 2021

Welcome to Japan, Where You Can Find Pokémon on Manhole Covers

Japan being Japan, is never lacking when it comes to offbeat and kawaii (cute) stuff. Their latest offering? Pokémon manhole covers!Of course we shouldn’t expect anything less from a country that has their own Japan Society of Manhole Covers. Yes, it’s a thing. The website, entirely in Japanese, features submissions on nothing else but the variety of manhole covers available here. Manhole covers in Japan are unique according to their locality, functionality and manufacturer.

13 August 2019