Silk Road

Can Soft Power Rejuvenate China’s Belt And Road?

The ongoing pandemic might have slowed down the advancement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), but not its coverage in the media. Pundits and scholars across the world have kept publishing opinion articles and analyses on a daily basis speculating about its demise, or its reboot.

19 January 2021

Indonesia: Asia's maritime gateway to the west

Much like how the ancient trade functioned when the Western civilisation of the Roman Empire began to trade with the Chinese Empire in the first century for wool, silver and gold, the maritime silk road in the 21st century is named OBOR (or One Belt, One Road) as it is poised to become a passage way that would contribute to the widespread of trade across the world, while a coherent blueprint is set to interconnect international infrastructures in order to maintain the national interest of the

22 September 2017