Stray dogs

Animal Cruelty On The Rise In Malaysia

They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, and to quote Charles Dickens, “what greater gift than the love of a cat”. But that is not the case for some animals who have been brutally abused and killed by humans just for sport.Animal cruelty is a growing phenomenon and a worrying trend in Malaysia.A few weeks ago, Salina, a Malaysian shared on Twitter that her beloved pet cat was found dead with all its legs chopped off.

16 March 2021

Tackling The Stray Dog Problem

A pack of dogs look nervously as strangers walk toward and past them, their eyes watchful for signs of danger, yet hopeful for a morsel of food. These are the stray dogs that litter the streets of Thailand. “The authorities used to shoot and poison these dogs but it did not solve the problem.

18 August 2018