Internet speed

Indonesia Confident About 5G Connectivity

While Indonesia may not have the best internet connectivity in Southeast Asia, one thing it is certainly doing well compared to some other ASEAN member states is providing 4G availability to its estimated population of over 260 million. A 2019 report by London-based Opensignal titled, “The State of Mobile Network Experience” revealed that after Singapore and Thailand, Indonesia performs the best in ASEAN in terms of providing 4G availability.

12 September 2020

Can 5G save Indonesia?

While Indonesia may not have the best internet connectivity in Southeast Asia, one thing it is certainly doing well compared to some other ASEAN countries is providing 4G availability to its estimated population of 269.54 million. According to a recent report by London-based Opensignal entitled “The State of Mobile Network Experience”, after Singapore and Thailand, Indonesia performs the best in ASEAN in terms of providing 4G availability.

14 June 2019

Are ASEAN’s internet speeds world class?

At the forefront of technology in ASEAN, it is no surprise that Singapore’s fixed broadband speed of 199.62 megabits per second (Mbps) was the fastest in the world in March.The city-state’s broadband speed beat the likes of Hong Kong (168.69 Mbps) and Monaco (137.86 Mbps), according to Ookla’s Speedtest Global Index – a widely used indicator to measure internet speeds across the globe.Within the ASEAN region, Thailand (76.72 Mbps, 27 in the world) and Malaysia (67.15 Mbps, 34 in the

15 May 2019

Indonesia is too slow!

A recent analysis by discount code portal CupoNation Indonesia found that Indonesia ranks low in Southeast Asian countries in terms of fibre optic internet connection speeds, which heavily depends on a country’s infrastructure, geography, and many other factors. Being able to only provide a mere 200 megabytes per second (Mbps) to its internet users, Indonesia is placed fifth place out of six countries, only managing to outperform Cambodia.The sad fact is that this comes as no surprise.

26 April 2019