Brick kilns

Freeing Cambodia’s children

Cambodia may receive a lot of criticism aimed especially at its politics and human rights, but the Kingdom is apparently doing something right. Recent reports show that Cambodia has made leaps and bounds as far as protecting its children go. This is especially significant considering the fact that (relative to some other ASEAN countries) a large portion of its population are made up of young people.The fact that Cambodia has a problem with child labour is nothing new.

17 June 2019

Modern slavery’s invisible whip

On 9 November, Cambodia celebrated its Independence Day. But while most Cambodians were celebrating their freedom from the control of the French Protectorate of Cambodia, thousands of other unfortunate Cambodians are still working in brick kilns throughout the country. “Freedom” for these people is just an empty promise.A recent Blood Bricks research project has led to a photo exhibition exposing debt-bonded labour in the brick making industry.

12 November 2018