
GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: Improving regional integration in ASEAN

“One Vision, One Identity, One Community.” That’s the motto of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a regional intergovernmental organisation made up of 10 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The goal of regional cooperation is to facilitate common interests, unifying the region through mutual cooperation while simultaneously recognising each country’s cultural, social and economic identity.

11 March 2020

Making human doctors obsolete

You may think that artificial intelligence (AI) will make doctors obsolete soon but that day is still far off. In fact, computers are not that intelligent just yet.Most computer solutions emerging in healthcare rely on algorithms written to analyse data and recommend treatments. They do not rely on computers thinking independently.

21 January 2020

Healthcare: Why are Thais worried?

Earlier this week, The ASEAN Post published an article regarding the 2020 Budget in Thailand. In that article, a study by the Super Poll Research Centre was cited in which 1,069 people from a wide range of occupations nationwide were interviewed between 15 and 19 October.

30 October 2019

Medical Tourism On The Rise

A recent report which estimates that medical tourism generates at least one-third of private hospitals’ revenue in most ASEAN countries is more proof – if needed – of the sector’s huge potential.Noting that private hospitals in Southeast Asia generate major revenue from foreign patients, the report from market research firm Zion Market Research also forecasted the global medical tourism market to generate around US$28 billion in revenue by the end of 2024 based on an estimated compound annual

27 July 2019

Freedom for ASEAN’s ageing population

The populations in many ASEAN countries are ageing fast. Singapore’s population of 65-year-olds is expected to reach 26.6 percent in 2035, while the ageing population of Thailand is expected to reach 22.8 percent. By 2050, Thailand’s old-age dependency ratio will rise to more than 50 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).The latest government statistic shows that Vietnam has 11.3 million old people, where 1.8 million are over the age of 80.

13 July 2019

Can human doctors be replaced? 

You may think that artificial intelligence (AI) will make doctors obsolete soon but that day is still far off. In fact, computers are not that intelligent just yet.Most of the computer solutions emerging in healthcare rely on algorithms written to analyse data and recommend treatments. They do not rely on computers thinking independently.

13 May 2019

Indonesia is ASEAN’s most unsafe country for women

A recent study has painted a worrying picture of women’s safety in ASEAN, placing Indonesia as the second most dangerous country for women in the Asia Pacific region after India, and the Philippines as the third most dangerous.According to Singapore-based research company ValueChampion, all of these countries were found to have subpar access to healthcare, lax laws regarding women's safety, poor access to family planning resources and overall inequality. “Despite government inte

10 March 2019

Singapore plans budget with an eye on election

Singapore Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat will aim to strike a delicate balance in Monday’s budget: preaching fiscal prudence while doling out more social spending ahead of elections that could come as early as this year.While not expected to be as headline-grabbing as last year – when Heng flagged a hike in the goods-and-services tax (GST) – the 2019 budget will cover a range of familiar policy priorities.

18 February 2019

The march against child marriage

Amidst recent calls to increase the marriageable age from 16 to 18, the government in Malaysia has expressed its plans to amend two laws. The announcement followed the march to Parliament involving activists, primary and secondary school students and member of the public to hand over of petition for the same objective.

20 November 2018

The global promise of digital health

In his recent best-selling book Factfulness, the late international health expert Hans Rosling shows that horrors such as natural disasters, oil spills, and battlefield deaths are trending steeply downward, and that harvest yields, literacy rates, and other development indicators are on the rise.

13 October 2018

AI: Assisting today’s doctors

You may think that artificial intelligence (AI) will make doctors obsolete soon but that day is still far off. In fact, computers are not that intelligent just yet.Most of the computer solutions emerging in healthcare rely on algorithms written to analyse data and recommend treatments. They do not rely on computers thinking independently.

12 September 2018