Air pollution

A Breath Of Fresh Air: Pollution In China Drops

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, all eyes are on China and its response to containing the spread of the virus. On 31 December, 2019, the Chinese government reported that it was treating dozens of patients infected with a new virus. Just two weeks later, the first death was reported. As of today, more than one million cases have been confirmed.

21 December 2020

Growing EV Industry In ASEAN

Electric Vehicles (EVs), including hybrid electric cars, can drastically reduce carbon emissions released into the environment.

22 November 2020

The Future Of Electric Vehicles In ASEAN

Southeast Asia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world filled with historical sites and beautiful beaches across the region. Nevertheless, Southeast Asian cities are also known for their congested roads filled with honking cars and motorcycles. Congested roads have become synonymous with Southeast Asia, and that is not going to change anytime soon.According to media reports, vehicle sales in Southeast Asia is set to outpace all other regions in the world.

1 August 2020

The Best Weapon To Fight Pandemics

The COVID-19 crisis has brought economies around the world to a standstill. Huge swaths of manufacturing have been idled, and sectors such as aviation and tourism are largely shuttered. Amid all the economic ruin, some have pointed to a supposed silver lining: cleaner air.

6 May 2020

ASEAN falling behind on SDG targets

Yesterday, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) released the 'Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2020'.

26 March 2020

A breath of fresh air: Pollution in China drops

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, all eyes are on China and its response to containing the spread of the virus. On 31 December, 2019, the Chinese government reported that it was treating dozens of patients infected with a new virus. Just two weeks later, the first death was reported. As of today, more than 114,000 cases have been confirmed, of which 5,800 are classified as serious.

10 March 2020

Suffocating in Thailand

Recently, The ASEAN Post published an article which focused on the perception in Thailand that crime was on the rise. This was based on a survey conducted by the Suan Dusit Rajabhat University which, among other questions, had asked Thais which security threats they most feared.

30 January 2020

Malaysia wants to make it rain

Malaysia prepared to seed clouds after air quality in parts of the country reached unhealthy levels due to smog from forest fires in neighbouring Indonesia, an official said Monday.Smog regularly blankets parts of Southeast Asia during the dry season when burning is used to clear Indonesian land for palm oil, paper plantations and other crops, sparking ire from regional neighbours.In the latest outbreak, parts of Malaysia's eastern state of Sarawak on Borneo island have been blanketed ov

11 September 2019

Indonesia government sued over air pollution

Residents of Indonesia's capital on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the government over the toxic levels of air pollution that regularly blanket the city.Jakarta has been shrouded in hazardous smog for much of the past month, with air quality readings recording high concentrations of harmful microscopic particles known as PM2.5.Fed up with what they say is worsening air pollution, a group of 31 concerned residents has sued President Joko Widodo, as well as the ministry of environment an

5 July 2019

China should lead on air pollution

The United Nations (UN) expects 68 percent of the world’s population to live in urban areas by 2050. As governments scramble to manage this flood of urban migration, they must address not only basic needs such as housing and employment but also issues impacting liveability and public health – including air pollution.Nowhere is this challenge more urgent than in Asia. In recent months, cities like Bangkok, Seoul, Kathmandu, and Dhaka have faced major pollution events.

16 June 2019

Thailand’s EV dreams facing a setback

In March, news was abuzz regarding the seasonal heavy air pollution in Thailand. Because this toxic smog is something that Thais are no strangers to, there surely must have been some sighs of relief when the government revealed years ago that it was looking at becoming the hub for the production of electric vehicles (EVs) in the region.The use of EVs is part of a bigger plan by the government there which is the Thailand Alternative Energy Development Plan 2012-2021 in which its commi

13 June 2019

ASEAN must switch to electric vehicles faster

While electric vehicles (EVs) continue to capture the attention of consumers in ASEAN, policies and subsidies in line with those found in countries leading the switch to EVs will make electric vehicles a more attractive proposition for the region. EVs, including hybrid electric cars, can drastically reduce carbon emissions released into the environment. Compared to conventional cars that release unhealthy amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide into the

5 June 2019