Child Labour

The Impacts Of COVID-19 On Child Labour

According to data from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), an estimated 122 million children aged between five- and 14-years old work for their survival in Asia. Nevertheless, the actual figures for child labour are uncertain given the variations in the definition of child labour in different countries including variations in age of employability and nature of employment.

27 February 2021

Tackling Indonesia’s Poverty With Palm Oil

Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation, and 10th largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, has made enormous gains in poverty reduction – cutting the poverty rate by more than half since 1999, to 9.78 percent in 2020. Nevertheless, out of a population of 270.2 million, an estimated 26.42 million Indonesians still live below the poverty line.

16 February 2021

Protecting Child Workers During The Pandemic

It is already apparent that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be uneven, with poorer countries bearing the brunt of the fallout. This includes the 1.2 million children in Bangladesh who are engaged in the harshest forms of child labour. In such uncertain times, these children – and millions of others elsewhere – are even more vulnerable to exploitative and hazardous work. The reason is simple.

25 November 2020

More School Dropouts In A Pandemic?

Education plays a vital role in the economic development of a country as it increases the capacity and ability of people to be more productive economically. Every child – even those living in poverty, in war-torn areas or those living with disabilities – has a right to education. As stated by Save the Children, a leading humanitarian organisation for children, education is the route out of poverty for many people.

3 November 2020

Myanmar’s Child Labour Problem Refuses To Go Away

A report titled, “Global Childhood Report 2019” released by United Kingdom (UK)-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) Save the Children, found that Singapore took the lead in terms of providing a safe and fostering environment for children. Whereas countries like Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar, and the Philippines performed the worst in the bloc.

6 September 2020

Preventing A Global Education Disaster

“The beautiful thing about learning,” the great blues guitarist B.B. King once wrote, “is that no one can take it away from you.” Born and raised in poverty, King understood the value of education as a force for change. If only political leaders responding to the COVID-19 pandemic had an ounce of his insight. COVID-19 is now mutating into a global education emergency.

30 July 2020

Is Child Labour On The Rise Amid The Pandemic?

According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), about 122 million children aged between five- and 14-years old work for their survival in Asia. Some surveys estimate that there are around 152 to 168 million child labourers across the world. The actual figure is unclear given the variations in the definition of child labour in different countries including variations in age of employability and nature of employment.

15 June 2020

Indonesia’s child prostitution problem

Since the early 2000s, child prostitution has become an increasingly difficult issue for Indonesia. This issue particularly affects the party islands of Bali and Batam where tourists exploit the child sex trade. As “sex tourism” rises worldwide, Indonesia has become a major “destination country” for human trafficking.

4 May 2020

Cambodia’s failing education system

In December 2018, Cambodian Senate president Say Chhum had encouraged the country’s youth to study hard in order to become future leaders. He made the comment during the opening ceremony of the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia congress at a hotel in Phnom Penh. Chhum’s call certainly makes sense if one were to consider how young Cambodia’s population is.

4 May 2020

Can Myanmar’s working children be saved?

Earlier this year, in June, Save the Children released its Global Childhood Report 2019. The report involved a total of 176 countries, and took a look at indicators such as children’s healthcare, education, nutrition and protection.

9 December 2019

The dark side of microfinancing in Cambodia

While a recent report by two civil society groups in Cambodia outlining predatory practices by local microfinance institutions (MFIs) may not paint the clearest picture of the sector, there is no denying that there are murky waters ahead.The report by the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) and local NGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) documented numerous cases of coerced land sales, child labour, debt-driven migration, food insecurity and other human

14 August 2019

What will become of Cambodia’s youth?

The youth have often been pitted as Cambodia’s greatest asset especially in the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0. According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) World Factbook, 30.8 percent of Cambodia’s population is made up of people between the ages of zero to 14 years, 17.8 percent is made up of those between 15 to 24 years, and 41.1 percent is made up of those between the ages of 25 to 54 years.

13 July 2019