Soft Power

China's Diplomatic Makeover Backfires

For over a year they have whipped up outrage against the West, but as China's "wolf warrior" diplomats are told to tone down the fury, they face an unexpected source of opposition: nationalists at home.Under fire in recent years over issues ranging from human rights abuses to blame for the COVID-19 pandemic, Beijing unleashed a new breed of diplomat that became known as "wolf warriors" – a popular term for belligerent nationalism inspired by a Chinese blockbuster film

27 June 2021

G7 Vows Action On Vaccines, Climate Change

G7 leaders on Sunday vowed to start delivering one billion doses of COVID vaccines and to step up action on climate change, in a United States (US)-led summit call to arms that also took on China and Russia.In a final communique issued at their first physical summit in nearly two years, the leaders of the elite club largely hewed to US President Joe Biden's push to regain the West's cohesion after Donald Trump's tumultuous tenure."We will harness the power of democracy, fr

14 June 2021

What Could Cause A US-China War?

When China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, recently called for a reset of bilateral relations with the United States (US), a White House spokesperson replied that the US saw the relationship as one of strong competition that required a position of strength.

3 March 2021

Can Soft Power Rejuvenate China’s Belt And Road?

The ongoing pandemic might have slowed down the advancement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), but not its coverage in the media. Pundits and scholars across the world have kept publishing opinion articles and analyses on a daily basis speculating about its demise, or its reboot.

19 January 2021

China Hails Its 'Amazing' Handling Of COVID-19

China's ruling Communist Party leaders have congratulated themselves on their "extremely extraordinary" success in handling the COVID-19 outbreak domestically, ahead of a World Health Organization (WHO) probe into the disease's origins.China faced a barrage of criticism at home and abroad over its initial handling of the virus, which emerged in the central city of Wuhan last December.China's Politburo, the top decision-making body of the Communist Party, said late Fri

27 December 2020

Australia’s China Problem

Australia’s China problem – official contacts frozen and many of our exports under siege – is now gaining attention far beyond our shores.

8 December 2020

Indonesia And China Growing Closer?

In early September, as the COVID-19 pandemic was raging, China hosted the “Wonderful Indonesia’” event at the International Cultural Exchange in Beijing. The exhibition showcased Indonesia’s diverse culture, from its coffee, food and coconut beverages to traditional Indonesian handicrafts like batik. The event exemplified the soft power ties that have grown between Jakarta and Beijing in recent years.

3 December 2020

Power Shift: China’s Post-COVID Rise

The inevitable rise of China as a global power that is increasingly challenging the supremacy and hegemony of the United States (US) both in the Asia Pacific and the world has been one of the dominant issues that has received a great deal of media coverage. Both locally and internationally, it continuously predominates attention in foreign policy circles and among local and international academics and experts of international relations and global politics. And in as far this

1 November 2020

China Has Blown Its Historic Opportunity

Until recently, China was unmistakably trying to be a hegemon in the image of the United States (US), increasingly complementing its growing hard power with soft power. But China seems to have missed its opportunity to build a serious rival to, or even supplant, the existing world economic order fashioned by the US following World War II.All the elements of success seemed to be falling into place for China.

21 July 2020

Preventing A New Cold War

Western societies are currently gripped by the ominous idea that we are entering a new cold war, this time between the United States (US) and China. This narrative started coming to the fore as a result of the Sino-American trade dispute, and now the COVID-19 crisis has given it the final nudge to centre stage.

19 June 2020

Is Hollywood pushing China’s agenda?

The recent storm in Vietnam and the Philippines over a controversial cartoon is a prime example of how China’s intricately-woven influence in Hollywood is making its mark in Southeast Asia.Hollywood films are hugely popular across the world, and realising their potential, China has been actively buying media assets in the United States (US) since 2012 as its bids to exert its soft power through the entertainment industry.China is also the second largest film market in the world, and Hollywood

17 October 2019