
Online gambling and property prices in ASEAN

Will the end of Chinese involvement in ASEAN’s online gambling sector see a spiral in property prices?A stark example of this is playing out in Cambodia, where there have been reports of the property bubble bursting in Sihanoukville – a beach town now known for its casinos – after Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that the country would stop issuing online gambling permits on 18 August.In the Philippines, though, President Rodrigo Duterte has remained steadfast in his support for online gambli

26 October 2019

Easier to do business in the Philippines

Getting business done in the Philippines has just become a whole lot easier.Jumping 29 spots in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 study – the biggest mover in ASEAN – the Philippines can attribute its rise from 124th to 95th to a variety of factors. Thailand and Myanmar were Southeast Asia’s other big movers after both shifted up six spots, while Singapore remains the best Southeast Asian nation in second.Released yesterday, the study is the 17th in an annual series that

25 October 2019

Thai youths want their own start-ups

ASEAN youths are highly aware of potential disruption and challenges brought on by technological advancement in the job market, requiring them to upgrade their skills regularly.

24 October 2019

ASEAN pushing global GDP growth

Despite rising trade tensions and geopolitical risks, half of ASEAN’s member states are among the top drivers of global growth.The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook released last week painted a bleak future for the global economy which is in a “synchronised slowdown” and is anticipated to grow 3.0 percent this year – the weakest since the 2008 global financial crisis. It is also a 0.3 percentage point downgrade from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook in April a

23 October 2019

E-commerce spending expected to triple in ASEAN

Digital consumers in ASEAN will be spending three times as much in 2025 according to a new study from Facebook and Bain & Company.The joint study by the social media giant and global management consultants released this week found that while consumers in Southeast Asia spent US$125 on average on online purchases in 2018, that sum is expected to more than triple to US$390 in 2025.Highlighting increasing choices, better internet access and rising affluence as factors that will continue

22 October 2019

E-commerce threat for Myanmar’s jade

As if human rights abuses, corruption charges and deadly landslides haven’t hurt the industry enough, Myanmar’s multi-billion-dollar jade and gemstone industry now has to deal with the challenges of e-commerce.Myanmar produces 90 percent of the world’s jade and is a major player in the global gem economy, but poor regulations mean up to two-third of the country’s production is possibly not subjected to tax according to a report by the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) in March.The

19 October 2019

Singapore eases monetary policy, avoids recession

Singapore eased monetary policy for the first time in over three years Monday as the US-China trade war bites, while the export-reliant economy narrowly avoided recession in the third quarter.The financial hub's central bank joins others around the world, from Europe to the US, in loosening policy as fears mount of a global economic slowdown.The city-state has traditionally been the first among Asia's export-driven economies to be affected during a downturn, making it a closely watc

14 October 2019

Vietnam: ASEAN’s best country to invest in

Offering investment opportunities in everything from zippers to bullet trains, Vietnam has long been recognised as a hub for foreign direct investment (FDI) – and a recent report has just confirmed that.The United States (US) News and World Report last month ranked Vietnam eighth in a list of 29 best economies to invest in, and the next closest ASEAN countries on the list were Malaysia (13th), Singapore (14th) and Indonesia (18th).

11 October 2019

Tourists rail against Hanoi 'train street' ban

Selfie-snapping tourists railed against the closure of Hanoi's 'train street' on Thursday after police blocked off the Instragram-famous tracks for safety reasons.The narrow railway corridor in central Hanoi has become a hotspot among visitors seeking the perfect holiday snap on the tracks - often dodging trains that rumble through daily. But Hanoi authorities said this week they would block people from the tracks to avoid accidents, and police on Thursday erected barr

11 October 2019

WEF: Singapore world’s most competitive economy

Singapore has dethroned the United States (US) as the world’s most competitive economy in yet another international survey.The Singapore government’s long-term vision and the country’s robust infrastructure and diverse workforce were among the factors which saw it edge the US in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index released yesterday.The US, which held top spot last year, dropped into second place this year – with Hong Kong moving up four spots in the list of 141 econ

10 October 2019

Philippines’ fast-growing gig economy

More professionals are joining the gig economy to look for additional income or a change of pace in work. The gig economy refers to the hiring of independent contractors and short-term workers by businesses.

9 October 2019

ESports a hard sell in grades-obsessed Singapore

In a country highly focused on academic achievement, Singaporean Galvin Kang Jian Wen did something almost unthinkable - he stopped studying as a teenager to spend more time playing computer games.He defied parental and social disapproval after his high school finals to pursue his dream of becoming an eSports champion, but believes the sacrifice has paid off as he heads with his national team to Southeast Asia's mini-Olympics.Teenage gamers worldwide are shunning mainstream education in

8 October 2019